Entrust your infant to our certified caregivers. We encourage full communication between parents and educators.

We provide a comfortable environment, designed to stimulate and amuse your growing child. We aim to ease and promote their development.

Preschoolers enrolled with us gain independence and confidence by partaking in a variety of activities that are planned based on their interests.

Jr. Kindergarten
They grow up so fast! We foster great social skills and decision making skills with fun group activities.

Sr. Kindergarten+School Age
We put children on the path to achieving their dreams by giving them the tools they need. Children are given freedom and responsibility.

24hr Childcare
Not everyone works a 9 to 5 schedule. We know how difficult it can be to find a qualified caregiver!
Your family needs flexible childcare. We’re open 24/7. Learn More
Outdoor Activities
Our children play outside because physical play is important in the development of fine and gross motor coordination.
Indoor Activities
Activity centres are available to challenge and inspire all ages. Children can play individually or with a group.
Meal Time
Nutritious lunches snacks and dinners are provided. Children scheduled before 6:30 get breakfast too at our Carling location!
Safety & Supervision
We have ECE certified staff, we verify all visitors, we comply with Ministry of Education ratios and health and safety regulations.