24hr Child Care

We're Available Around the Clock

When we opened our Centre on Carling Avenue in 1986 our objective was to break the barriers and provide licensed care for the non-traditional work force. 1150 Carling Avenue is open 24-hours, 7-days per week. Here we provide priority care for families who work shifts or are on call, attend evening school, work part-time, work less than 20 hours per week, and have difficulty securing non-traditional licensed childcare. Examples: nursing students, social workers, bus drivers, police, fire, nurses, doctors, interns, retail, bar tenders, dancers, golf pros, restaurant, contract workers, job sharing, military, nursing homes, group homes, entertainers, football players, evening courses, promotion/sales, real estate, assemblers, etc. Ages include infants to preschoolers, with a limited number of spaces for evening and weekend care for school aged children.

Our Kanata location has a flexible program, also including non traditional hours of care Monday to Friday until midnight. We are prepared to extend these hours, if parents require something more from us in flexibility and service.


Evenings, Overnights, Weekends

Your child's home away from home

Being a 24-hour center, we try to create an atmosphere that fosters a home-like environment. We enjoy moments such as, family style dinners with lots of conversation, weekend breakfast in our pyjamas, bedtime story telling, evening strolls, special snacks, movie nights and relaxed child-initiated play. Our professional staff provide a nurturing, warm, supportive environment with a little less structured and a whole lot of fun!

Get More Information

Don’t hesitate, give us a call if you want more information on this program.

Kanata Location

613-592-5002  su*********@ch************.ca

Carling Location

613-729-1222  su*********@ch************.ca